L. S. Hemapala
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Sri Lanka.
L. Wijewardene
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Sri Lanka.

ISBN 978-81-977902-0-1 (Print)
ISBN 978-81-977902-9-4 (eBook)

The study adopts the quantitative analysis of management factors that can impact the labour productivity of the tea pluckers such as operational management factors, human resource management factors, and financial management factors.

Therefore understanding the relationships between the management factors and the labour productivity of tea pluckers is more important for tea pluckers, tea smallholders, tea exporters, and policymakers. Further, it will support the promotion of certain management factors by directing scarce resources, especially to tea pluckers. Therefore the relevant authorities and decision-makers in Sri Lanka’s government should make effective policies for tea pluckers, smallholders, investors, tea factories, tea institutions, and societies. As a result, then they can invest and pay high attention to the tea pluckers. Moreover, these results will be relevant for developing countries, since tea pluckers are one of the major drivers of economic development.


Investigating the Influence of Management Factors on Labour Productivity of Tea Pluckers in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka

L. S. Hemapala, L. Wijewardene

Investigating the Influence of Management Factors on Labour Productivity of Tea Pluckers in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka, 27 July 2024, Page 1-62

The tea industry contributes to the Sri Lankan economy through employment opportunities, national output and foreign exchange earnings. Tea pluckers in Sri Lanka act as key players in supplying tea for the domestic and foreign tea markets. This study investigates the influence of management factors on the labour productivity of tea pluckers in the Ratnapura district of Sri Lanka. The study adopts the quantitative analysis of management factors that can impact the labour productivity of the tea pluckers such as operational management factors, human resource management factors and financial management factors. Factors influencing the labour productivity of tea pluckers in the Ratnapura district of Sri Lanka were determined by using multiple regression analysis. Three vital factors consisting of operational management factors, human resource management factors and financial management factors were examined. Based on data from a Google survey of 250 tea pluckers, financial management factors have influenced the labour productivity of the tea pluckers in the Ratnapura district of Sri Lanka while operational management factors and human resource management factors have no influence on the labour productivity. These results are relevant for developing countries because tea pluckers are one of the key drivers of economic development. Understanding links between management factors and the labour productivity of tea pluckers is important for tea pluckers, tea smallholders, tea exporters, and policymakers. It will also help to promote certain management factors by directing scarce resources to tea pluckers. Decision-makers and relevant authorities in Sri Lanka’s government should make effective policies for tea pluckers; then investors, smallholders, tea institutions, societies and tea factories can invest and pay attention to tea pluckers.