Recent Study on the Computation of the Lagrange Multiplier for the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) for Solving Differential Equations
Theory and Practice of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 9,
4 May 2021,
Page 1-22
In this chapter, the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) is applied in finding the solution of differential equations with emphasis laid on the choice of the Lagrange multiplier used while employing VIM. We apply restricted variation only to the non-linear term in the correction functional. Building on existing methods and variational theories, the operator D-Method and integrating factor are employed in certain aspects in the determination of exact Lagrange multiplier for VIM. When results of the computed exact Lagrange multiplier were compared with results of approximate Lagrange multiplier, it was observed that the computed exact Lagrange multiplier reduced significantly the number of iterations required to get a good approximate result, and in some cases the result converged to the exact solution after a single iteration. Evaluations are carried out using MAPLE Software.