
This book covers key areas of arts and social studies. The contributions by the authors include geopolitics, national security, economic development, political unrest, active peace theory, justice and well-being, peacebuilding, niger delta youths, sustainable living, willingness, eye donation, organ donation, igorot identity, improvisation, anaphoric repetition, kaigorotan, salidummay cultural group, cordillera administrative region, land conflict, pastoralists, land policy, political stability, public-private partnerships, local government units, reinventing government, new public management, build operate transfer, anthropocene, sustainable development, gender-based violence, gender equality, modernization, urbanization, migration, globalization, patriarchal system, chronological record, historical background, couple hypotheses, television show, communication, media, reality television, cultivation theory, modernity, contemporaneity, repeats, reincarnations and recalibrations, perpetual flux, social media, facebook, opinion survey, human fundamental needs. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of arts and social studies.


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7. Royalty: (80:20) profit sharing between author and publisher from the sale of books. Authors will get 80% of the profit and Publisher will get 20% of the profit.
8. Normally Books will be closed access to increase the possibility of sale and authors will retain the copyright of the book chapter/ books. Special requests of open access books can also be considered in case of complete book publication.

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