This book covers key areas ofbiological research. The contributions by the authors include sex ratio, length at first maturity, gonadosomatic index, visceral fatindex, spawning season, condition factor, hanging ratio, slack netting, length frequency distribution, fishing efficiency, cost efficiency, index of economic efficiency, density functional calculations, photoactive proteins, fluorescentproteins, reaction mechanisms, population ecology, population dynamics, transduction, molecular filter, transversal deformations, transversal otolithic membrane deflections, metamorphosis, breeding, brain water metabolism, brain nanofluidic domain, nanofluidics, computational model, AQP4-targeted therapy, Health care waste management, safety measures, hazardous waste disposal, anti-ulcerogenic activity, limate change, community, gender roles, social vulnerabilities, adaptation, mitigation, anatomy, taxonomic relationship.This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of biological sciences.
1. Professional review, editing and plagiarism checking.
2. Professional cover-page design and typesetting.
3. Specialized English editing and proofreading
4. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) allotment.
5. ISBN number (online and print version)
6. Online publication of the book and printing in the press.
7. Normally Books will be closed access to increase the possibility of sale and authors will retain the copyright of the book chapter/ books. Special requests of open access books can also be considered in case of complete book publication.
Clinical Waste Management System in National Hospital of Sri Lanka: A Critical Analysis
Nanofluidic Mechanism and Computational Model of the Brain Water Metabolism
Study of Life Cycle of Tree Frogs (Hyla savygnyi) in Semi-Arid Habitats in Northern Israel
A Modeling Approach of Transversal Otolithic Membrane Deflections Evoked by the Linear Accelerations
On the Molecular Filters in Cochlea Transduction: A Scientific Explanation
An Overview on First-principles Simulation of Photoreactions in Biological Systems
Clinical Waste Management System in National Hospital of Sri Lanka: A Critical Analysis
Nanofluidic Mechanism and Computational Model of the Brain Water Metabolism
Study of Life Cycle of Tree Frogs (Hyla savygnyi) in Semi-Arid Habitats in Northern Israel
A Modeling Approach of Transversal Otolithic Membrane Deflections Evoked by the Linear Accelerations
On the Molecular Filters in Cochlea Transduction: A Scientific Explanation
An Overview on First-principles Simulation of Photoreactions in Biological Systems
Clinical Waste Management System in National Hospital of Sri Lanka: A Critical Analysis
Nanofluidic Mechanism and Computational Model of the Brain Water Metabolism
Study of Life Cycle of Tree Frogs (Hyla savygnyi) in Semi-Arid Habitats in Northern Israel
A Modeling Approach of Transversal Otolithic Membrane Deflections Evoked by the Linear Accelerations
On the Molecular Filters in Cochlea Transduction: A Scientific Explanation
An Overview on First-principles Simulation of Photoreactions in Biological Systems
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