Impact of Periodontal Disease on Overall Health
Research Developments in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 10,
25 May 2023,
Page 1-14
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition caused by a mixed microbial infection. It is the outcome of complicated interactions between bacteria and susceptible hosts. The release of pro-inflammatory cytokines leads to a low grade systemic inflammation that has an effect on the systemic status of the patient. Periodontitis has been associated with several systemic conditions like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes and respiratory infections. In recent years, the relationship of periodontitis and systemic health has been explored by numerous researchers and it has expanded the horizons of periodontal medicine. This chapter focuses on the effect of periodontitis on infertility, red blood cell parameters, chronic kidney disease, cancer and mortality. Substantial research indicates that oral health is an important component of general health, and individuals with periodontitis may be at risk for other diseases as well.