Investigating on the Effect of Calendula officinalis Leaf Extract on Excision Wound Healing in Swiss albino Mice
Research Aspects in Biological Science Vol. 4,
4 July 2022,
Page 1-16
Calendula officinalis is one of those plants which have medicinal importance due to its leaf and flowers have pharmacological activity the important pharmacological parameters have been less investigated properly and can be scientifically proved by reverse pharmacology. Calendula officinalis is an annual herb from Mediterranean origin which is popularly used in wound healing and as an anti-inflammatory agent. It was found of interest to evaluate these properties of extract of leaf of Calendula officinalis. Excision wound models in albino mice were used to test wound healing activities of gels produced from Methanolic extracts of Calendula officinalis Linn. Extract formulations were produced in carbopol gels individually and in combination in an equal ratio. Excision wound models revealed a significant reduction in epithelization time and wound healing activity in the treated animals. The improved wound healing activity of hydro alcoholic extracts could be related to free radical scavenging action and phyto-constituents found in it, which, either alone or in combination, accelerate wound healing. Calendula extract improved wound healing activity, as seen by increased connective tissue synthesis, particularly collagen. The granuloma tissue has increased significantly. It was discovered that the wound contraction and enhanced tensile strength were statistically significant.