ISBN 978-93-91215-52-1 (Print)
ISBN 978-93-91215-60-6 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/mono/978-93-91215-52-1

In this book author gave very many versions how to depict different processes connected with wear and tear. But using this algorithm we can correctly describe another processes linked with the results of experiments or investigations.

Changing parameters in formulas the researcher can get quickly both the right equation and the results of the approximation for the different physical processes.

Potentially, working with this programme you’ll get the base of any statistical data which can help to find the right formula and chart representation for your statistical information. For this it is only needed to put your dots from the measurements on the charts which you had prepared in advance to get right result and to make the right conclusion.

At last there is the new recommendation how using only very small amount of investigation (about three or five points of observation) the researchers can obtain the right conclusion without such actions as to determine the law of distribution and criteria which can be accepted into account.


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Promising Estimations in the Statistical Information about the Technical Investigations

Kirill Voinov

Promising Estimations in the Statistical Information about the Technical Investigations, 4 May 2021, Page 1-59

This new book in which author tries to show the rational way how to correctly we can estimate the result of investigations or test-control for different statistical information in various sphere of the human activities (engineering, public health, production, investigations on the whole, ecology and to process the statistical data) is depicted many important aspects connected with the statistical information.

The point is that all investigations give us many numerical information. For example, about temperature oscillations, pressure or velocity alterations, different travels or accelerations, significances of precisions or reliability, strains or resistance to wear and so on.

Usually, several problems will appear in front of the researchers, namely.

  • How many experiments/tests must be done to get the absolutely right results to make the real conclusion?
  • What kind of law of many distributions it is needed to take into account to describe and to process the initial information without any mistakes? Note: the researcher must be a very qualified expert and even a connoisseur in this field because there are more than 30 laws of distribution in mathematics.
  • Moreover, such specialist has to know more than 10 special criteria to use one or maybe two of them to apply in the work during the calculation or the great mistake can be got.
  • All these factors demand to make too many actions, many hours of working and to waste much money.

It’s understand that during these actions minimum one (or two) mistake(s) could take place in practice. Consequently, the important conclusion will not be right and the sequels can be even as a tragedy.

That’s why such problem must be solved more quickly and by means of the simplest methods which have the maximum reliability and trustworthiness. In this book author is ready to solve this task rather difficult and important to many academics, researchers, persons with higher technical education and to the practical workers.

Firstly, some introductory information connected with the traditional methods in the highest mathematic connected with the calculation will be given before the practical examples.