On the Atomic Carcinogenic Mechanism and Cure for Cancer: Ferrochemistry for Cause of Warburg Effect
On the Atomic Carcinogenic Mechanism and Cure for Cancer: Ferrochemistry for Cause of Warburg Effect,
27 October 2022
Page 1-185
Cure for cancer is formulated on the basis of a new theory for the origin of cancer on the basis of Ferrochemistry and Laws of Ferrochemistry for disrupting the Kreb Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) and accelerating the glycolysis process due to enzymatic substitutions and alterations of primordial 12C, 14N, 16O, 24Mg, 31P, and 32S nuclides by less healthy nonprimordial 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S nuclides for suppressing normal enzymatic activities of the Kreb cycle due to the differing spin and magnetic moments of these isotopes on the basis of the Little Effect. The replacements of the primordial 12C, 14N, 16O, 24Mg, 31P, and 32S by these nonprimordial isotopes of high spin are caused by eating plants and animals, wherein the environmental changes since the industrial revolution with further effects of the nuclear industry and the chemical industry have increased levels of traces of CO2 , SO2 and PH3 gases in the atmosphere for lightning transmuting 12C to 13C, 31P to 32P and 30P, and 32S to 33S along with natural 14N transmutation to 15N by lightning; transmuted 16O to 17O in cooling water associated with nuclear power plants; testing of nuclear weapons; the isotopic enrichment of fertilizer with 15N relative to 14N by Haber Bosch process; lightning striking the earth’s crust to transmute 24Mg to 25Mg; increase in human life span and population; and recycling fertilizer from human and animal wastes. The shift in nucleic acids of plants since the industrial revolution for greater uptake of nonprimordial 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S isotopes relative to primordial healthier 12C, 14N, 16O, 24Mg, 31P, and 32S isotopes has increased these unhealthy 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S isotopes in animals from eating the plants and in humans from eating both the plants and animals during the last 200 years since the industrial revolution. The 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S isotopes in digested carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and nucleic acids from plants and animals cause the human anabolic and catabolic metabolisms to alter the nature and structures of protein and nucleic acid anabolisms for building organelles, cells and tissues in the body and the consequent alterations of the catabolic processes of the enzymes for supplying energy for functioning within organelles within cells, cellular production, tissue formation and function, organ function and life. Such alterations of the cell are reasoned in this work by dynamics on the molecular, atomic and nuclear levels by changes in isotopic abundance in organisms for causing diseases (cancer and diabetes) as discovered and described in this work in 2013. The different nuclear spins of the C, N, O, Mg, P, and S atoms composing the proteins alter the physical and chemical dynamics of the proteins on the basis of the collective magnetisms of many such isotopes organizing structural, physical, chemical and enzymatic properties by altering atomic and molecular orbitals associated with those processes on the basis of the Little Effect for changing the protein enzymatics for constructing nucleic acids for mutations, for altering the enzymatics for catabolizing glucose and pyruvate in the glycolytic process and Kreb cycle for altering the enzymatic binding of sugars for causing diabetes and for suppressing the Kreb cycle for causing cancer. In this work, it is reasoned that the nuclei fractionally fiss and fuse for transmuting to quantum fields and L continua and the QF and L continua fractionally fiss and fuse to magnetic fields and electric field and these fiss to gravity and thermal space. The nuclei are reasoned integer fractional, hetero, magnetic multidipoles and the QF are reasoned as homo, integer, magnetic multimonopoles and the L continua are reasoned hetero, fractional, magnetic dipoles; electric is integer, homo electric monopoles; magnetic is integer, hetero, magnetic dipoles; gravity is reasoned fractional, homo, irrational, magnetic monopole and thermal space is reasoned fractional, hetero, irrational electric monopoles. The 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S isotopes fractionally fiss to produce different QF (magnetic multimonoploes) and L continua (fractional magnetic dipoles) for different enzymatic activities and biochemistry on the substrates for nuclear spins altering the chemical machinery and chemical operations of the cellular physicochemical chemistry for the origin of cancer. A theoretical cure for cancer is discovered by using these malfunctioning 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S isotopes to selectively energize them in strong, static magnetic fields and many dynamic magnetic fields so as to selective kill the cancer cells containing these malfunctioning isotopes in high relative amounts. The theory for cure has fewer side effects as patients are given the same food, but only modified by these isotopes for fewer side effects and future health issues relative to supplying the body with gold nanoparticles with other undesirable effects. The theory for cure also is not destructive to normal cells as normal cells have far less 13C, 15N, 17O, 25Mg, 30P, 32P, and 33S isotopes.
- Cancer
- enzymes
- atoms
- nonprimordial isotopes