
Dr. Mohd Rafatullah
Senior Lecturer,
Division of Environmental Technology, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.

ISBN 978-93-91473-09-9 (Print)
ISBN 978-93-91473-17-4 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/nupsr/v12

This book covers key areas of physical science research. The contributions by the authors include neurotransmitter cycles, small molecules, quantum field theory, quantized energy, quantized information, quantum field of Bosons, thermodynamics, symmetry braking, quantum fluctuations, neural quantum circuitry, photon, electron, positron, electromagnetic energy, Ag-nanocluster, size-selected cluster, atomic force microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, gravitation, electromagnetic-gravitational union, dark energy, dark matter, cosmology, geometry, topology, consciousness, reality models, event physics, epistemology, cognitive action theory, process physics, lagrange formalism, principle of least action, dissipative systems, saddle line, variables principle, electrical engineering, mechanics, electrodynamics, hydrodynamics, ion beam sputtering, metal co-deposition, nano-patterns, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, intermetallics, ionic melt, electroreduction, electrosynthesis, refractory compounds, rare-earth metals. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of physical science research.


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Descriptions of neurotransmitter cycles in chemical synapses are generally accomplished in the field of macroscopic molecular biology. This paper proposes a new theoretical approach to model these cycles with methods of the non-relativistic quantum field theory (QFT) which is applicable on small neurotransmitters of nano size like amino acids or amines. The whole cycle is subdivided into the standard five phases: uptake, axonal transport, release and reception. Our ansatz is concentrated to quantum effects, which are relevant in molecular processes. Examples are quantization of momentums and energies of all small transmitters, definition of the density-based quantum information, quantization of molecular currents, because densities of them generate quantized particles. Our model of the neurotransmitter cycle of chemical synapses was created by the emphasis of possible essential quantum effects; therefore, we neglect many additional molecular aspects that do not lead us to quantum impacts. We elucidate the ramification of our quantum-based approach by the definition of particular Hamiltonians for each of the five phases of the neurotransmitter cycles and by the calculation of the corresponding molecular dynamics. The transformation from the particle representation to usual wave functions yields the probability to find at the same time neurotransmitters of different energy states at different positions. Our results have far-reaching implications and may initiate animated discussions. The validation or the disconfirmation of our hypothesis is still open.

This article describes small neurotransmitters as particles of a spinless quantum field. That is, the particles are Bosons that e.g. can occupy equal energy levels. In addition, we consider the particles of the presynaptic region before exocytosis occur as elements of a grand canonical ensemble that is in a thermodynamic equilibrium. Thus, the particles obey the Bose-Einstein statistics, which also determines the corresponding information entropy and the corresponding density matrix. When the release of neurotransmitters occurs, the equilibrium collapses and the Bose-Einstein distribution transfers to the Poisson distribution. Moreover, the particles transmit as wave packets, with quantized energies and momenta, through the chemical synapses, where we also describe the effects of the quantum fluctuations. We mark this symmetry braking process that corresponds to a non-equilibrium phase transition by a threshold, which mainly depends on the mean of the particles number, with defined quanta. We model the connections of synaptic neurons of a population to a network by Hamiltonians that include both Bosons and Fermions and their interactions. Bosons are the carriers of messages (information) and Fermions are the switches, which forward these messages, with a modified content. The effects we observe in such a neural circuitry reveals a strong dependence of the solutions from the initial values and, more relevant, solutions with chaotic behavior exist. These circuitry-based ramifications together with possible internal malfunctioning of particular neurons (e.g. intermitted flow) of the network cause a sustainable reduction of the synaptic plasticity.

Our Electromagnetic Universe

André Michaud

Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 12, 23 July 2021, Page 64-82

Hypothesis of the progressive establishment and growth of the Universe, strictly from electromagnetic considerations, as suggested by Einstein towards the end of his life. Discussion of the conflicting relations observed between the various current black holes and Big Bang theories. Discussion of the possibility of a progressive adiabatic energy increase in the universe from a hypothetical zero energy level in vacuum at the beginning of the universe, as an alternate solution to the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) postulated stable conservative zero-point energy level in vacuum. Proposal of an alternate process for the origin of the Universe grounded on an expanded space geometry emerging from Maxwell's initial interpretation of the relation between the electric and magnetic E and B fields, leading to a new perspective on the objective and subjective aspects of the time dimension.

Study on Morphological Evolution of Ag-nanostructured Films Prepared by Mass-selected Clusters

Pintu Barman, Anindita Deka, Satyaranjan Bhattacharyya

Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 12, 23 July 2021, Page 83-90

Fabrication of metal nanoclusters via gas phase synthesis method and their deposition on a solid surface has numerous importances as far as the application is concerned. The size of the deposited nanostructure can influence various properties of a thin film which led us to carry out the study of morphological aspects of the films that have been prepared by the mass- or size-selected silver nanoclusters on Si substrates. The Ag-nanoclusters films are produced by using a gas aggregation type magnetron-based nanocluster source and the size-selection is done by a Quadrupole Mass Filter (QMF) attached with the cluster source. The film deposition is carried out at varied cluster beam current for constant deposition time for the cluster size of about 4 nm diameter. The morphology of the films is investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). From the observations, it is found that initially the nanostructured film is mono-dispersed for a lower cluster ion current while for higher ion current mound-like structures appear. The effects of surface diffusion and agglomerations of deposited clusters are discussed for the formation of mound-like structures. Structural and composition studies show the elemental purity of the films under investigation.

Hypothesis of Quantum Gravity

Rodney Bartlett

Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 12, 23 July 2021, Page 91-107

The article began when I read a book by Prof. Geraint Lewis and Dr. Luke Barnes about how to overturn astronomy's Big Bang. I'd possessed a strong desire to do this since taking some astrophysics courses with Australian National University a year earlier (they were conducted by Professors Brian Schmidt and Paul Francis). I found the Lewis/Barnes book a valuable guide - and added my ideas about Mobius strips, Figure-8 Klein bottles, and Wick rotation.

This hypothesis is the result of my  conviction that science will oneday prove everything in space and time is part of a unification. In "A Brief History of Time", Stephen Hawking wrote,

 "If everything in the universe depends on everything else in a fundamental way, it might be impossible to get close to a full solution (of the universe's puzzles) by investigating parts of the problem (such as general relativity and quantum mechanics) in isolation."

The goal: to establish a “proof of concept” to which equations can be added. It’s concluded the Steady State, Big Bang, Inflation and Multiverse theories all ultimately fail and a topological model including bits (binary digits), Mobius strips, Figure-8 Klein bottles and Wick rotation works better. The failed cosmologies have impressive points leading to the idea that they’re all necessary stepping-stones. For example, the Big Bang is seen here as violation of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics but its supposed origin from quantum fluctuations is reminiscent of bits switching between 1 and 0. The topological hypothesis has potential to explain dark matter, dark energy, and electromagnetic-gravitational union.  Finally, the article introduces what is called vector-tensor-scalar geometry - and extensions of Einstein's Gravity and Maxwell's Electromagnetism.


Cognitive Action Theory: An Overview

Wolfgang Baer

Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 12, 23 July 2021, Page 108-119

Incorporating a conscious 1st person observer in scientific theories has been hampered by the lack of physically viable mind/body models. I will present a Cognitive Action Theory (Baer 2020) model of an integrated mind/body system and identify the process of creating conscious experience as the basic building block of reality. This building block is a cyclic process in time, connecting the first person experience with its 3d person physical models so that conscious phenomena are possible.

To allow the construction of such a basic building block we propose a fundamental shift to consider what we do to be conscious as an a-priory activity that must be happening for us to be able to ask the question, “How can conscious beings exist in our physical world?”  This shift means first asking, “How does the memory of a physical world exist in a conscious being”?

The answer to this question leads to Conscious Action Theory (CAT) and the physical formulation of a conscious being as a self contained action cycle with the mental and physical phases. This activity contains both qualia and its explanation to produce what physicist Archibald Wheeler [1,2] described as a self measuring explanatory cycle. At this level of abstraction such a cycle of activity can accommodate any belief system defining physical reality as an explanation for personal experience and therefore provide a framework which accommodates both scientific and spiritual traditions. Visualizing such an abstract activity as the motion of masses and charges allows us to couple what we do to the formalism of classic and quantum physics. Such a theory integrates the subjective and objective aspect of our experience in a single physical framework, reducing to the linear quantum formalism when the motions involved are small enough to be reversible [3,4].

Study on Principle Extremum of Full Action

Solomon I. Khmelnik

Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 12, 23 July 2021, Page 120-128

The Lagrange formalism on dissipative systems is extended by a new variational principle extremum of full action. This principle can be applied to electrical engineering and mechanics when friction forces are taken into account.It also mentions its usefulness to electrodynamics and hydrodynamics. The proposed variational principle can be thought of as a novel formalism for deriving physical equations that can also be used to solve them. The approach entails creating a functional with a single saddle line, and the equation that characterises it represents an equation with dynamic variables for a specific physics domain. A search for a global saddle line for specified conditions of a physical problem is used as the solution approach. Earlier work on this topic see [1,2,3].

Compositional Investigation of Nano-patterned Si Surface Induced by Metal-assisted Ion Beam Sputtering: An Advanced Study

Anindita Deka, Pintu Barman, Satyaranjan Bhattacharyya

Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 12, 23 July 2021, Page 129-136

Fabrication of nano-patterned Si surface with simultaneous metal co-deposition is demonstrated using low energy ion beam sputtering at normal incidence by the inclusion of stainless steel as seeding material for different sputtering times at room temperature. The nano-patterned surfaces generated at such a low energy range using ion beam are considered to be potential candidates in various fields of nano-technological applications. Herein the evolution of nano-dots topography on the Si surface has been observed from the morphological analysis. Investigation of chemical states from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurement reveals the presence of metal impurities viz. Fe and Cr originating from the stainless steel target. The high-resolution XPS core level spectra of the detected elements are characterized and subsequent analysis of their compositional details indicates the formation of metal-oxide and metal-silicide on the sample surface.

The electrochemical synthesis of intermetallic and refractory compounds based on rare-earth metals, iron triad, boron, and silicon in ionic melts is the subject of this review. The widespread use of magnets with record high magnetic characteristics based on rare earth metals is hampered by their high cost, complex production technology and the content of scarce metals. Data on the electrochemical behavior of lanthanides, iron, cobalt and nickel chloride complexes, as well as fluoroborate and fluorosilicate ions in chloride and chloride-fluoride melts are provided. Peculiarities of joint electroreduction processes between rare-earth metal ions and iron triad ions, fluoroborate and fluorosilicate ions are analyzed. The optimal parameters of the electrosynthesis of double and triple compounds based on rare-earth metals are discussed. Prospects for future development of high-temperature electrochemistry of rare-earth metals and technology solutions in the field of electrosynthesis of rare-earth metals compounds in molten salts are prosed.