Differential Equation of Particle Motion with Helical Structure
New Trends in Physical Science Research Vol. 6,
15 June 2022,
Page 1-11
Obviously, electromagnetic radiations are waves. The photoelectric effect resulted in A. Einstein to postulate that light of frequency V itself consists of individual quanta of energy \(\epsilon = hv\) . To follow Einstein's direction, we try to treat a thin beam of conical wave train with energy hv as a photon and observe what happens. We first show that such a train must be covered by a flawless reflection membrane with zero rest mass as the lateral boundary. Then we demonstrate that there is a pair of symmetrical spirals of maximum stress \(\Sigma max \infty E^{2} \) that divides the membrane into equal parts with same amount of different charges. The membrane will break into two \(\pm\) charged particles of spin h/2 , if the field is sufficiently enhanced and the mass and charge criteria are met.The helical symmetry of the charges and mass distribution inside has been established. Then we show that the spin of this class of particles is usually made up of two parts: translational motion plus extra self-rotation due to the spiral structure's translational motion. We finally demonstrated that the differential equation of motion particle's inner system satisfied looks like Schrodinger equation, despite the fact that the wave function interpretation is distinct.