Study on Pilates and Physiotherapy during Post Total Hysterectomy
New Horizons in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 1,
9 March 2022
Page 39-43
Introduction: An increased prevalence of female undergoing hysterectomy in early ages of 35 were recorded widely. With an increased life expectancy and longevity healthcare related with post hysterectomy such as obesity, MSD, urinary incontinence and diminished quality of life gets significant.
Amis & Objectives The study aimed to analyse the combined effects of, Pilates and physiotherapy on obesity and evaluate the reduction in obesity on quality of life and glycemic control of this study subject who has undergone hysterectomy and oophorectomy in Chennai in 2015 December.
Materials & Methodology: 40 years old aged subject post hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy with obesity and MSD was treated with combined Pilates and physiotherapy using Physioball during the period from December 2016 to February 2017 with weekly twice frequency.
Results: of reduction in obesity P<.05 and an improved quality of life P<.01 among the study subject with statistically and functionally significant.
Conclusion: findings of the study could benefit similar subjects who have undergone gynecological surgeries, there by promoting their dignity and enhanced quality of life. Longer follow up of all the hysterectomy subjects with due registry for recording of oncological, musculoskeletal and systemic illness incidents helps for better strategies in health care.
- Pilates
- physiotherapy
- hysterectomy
- bilateral oophorectomy