The Current Scenario of HIV/AIDS in India
Innovations in Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol. 3,
8 January 2022
Page 93-99
HIV is a threat for India since its detection in the year 1986 in Chennai. The current status shows that an estimated 2.1 million population in India is living with HIV infection by the year 2015. The dreadful infection which was detected in the country in the year 1986 was gradually increasing and reached its peak by the year 2000 to 2001 when the prevalence became 0.38%. From the year 2002 the prevalence started to show steady decline and reached at the level of 0.26% by the year 2015. The different states in India is categorised as high, moderate and low according to the prevalence . At first the epidemic was confined to the FSW and their clients but later it started to spread to the general population through the bridge population. As the epidemic has matured women account for a growing proportion of people living with HIV infection, especially in the rural areas. The National AIDS Control Programme was launched in the year 1992 and we are going through the fourth phase of the NACP.
- India
- prevalence