Laser Ablation of Multifocal Breast Carcinoma
Issues and Developments in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 4,
2 February 2022
Page 157-166
Breast carcinoma is a major public health problem in India and world. It is the no 1 cause of cancer in Women in India.
The overall 5 year survival rate in western countries is over 90%. In India it drops to 40 to 60%.
The various factors responsible for this include unacceptability of many women for mutilation of their breasts. Breasts being a very important feminine cosmetic benchmark.
Laser ablation of Breast tumours is now a USFDA and CE approved procedure. The aim of this observational study was to observe completion of tumour ablation by intralesional laser ablation.
The Ablation was performed as a single procedure in 10 women over a 7 year period. All women who consented to the procedure were in stage 3 with multifocal and/or multilocational disease. As such they were not candidates for Breast Conservation surgery.
Results: All patients showed a complete necrosis of the tumour on a follow up of 2 to 7 years. The findings were confirmed on serial PET scans after 6 months and 2 years.
Conclusion: Laser Ablation is a viable procedure for patients unwilling for mastectomy in stage 3 Breast cancer. The skill sets required for the procedure are new and surgeons will have to be trained for the procedure.
- Breast cancer
- stage 3 breast cancer
- laser ablation
- breast conservation surgery