Edited by
Dr. Catalin Silviu Nutu
Constanta Maritime University, Romania.


ISBN 978-93-5547-431-5 (Print)
ISBN 978-93-5547-432-2 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/mono/978-93-5547-431-5


Nature has been abused for some considerable time already, and still continues to be abused. Now, nature is fighting us back, increasingly stronger for some time, and it seems clearly that we are going to lose this fight, not only because we are not intelligent enough, but rather because we are also arrogant and greedy.

Some time ago a joke has appeared that by being a bicyclist, who in fact myself I am, I am killing the world economy. Truth is, the present day world economy model is already long time ago an unhealthy and ill one and will anyway, by all means, very soon die, due to lack of enough cyclists. Though, the question remains whether we are smart enough to kill, we ourselves, this present dying economy model soon enough, before it is too late for saving our Planet, or all of us are killed in the dying process of this sick world economy.

This book is based on previous papers of the author published within the International Dialogo Conference between 2018 and 2021, a conference on the dialogue between science and theology.

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Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems

Catalin Silviu Nutu

Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems, 20 January 2022, Page 1-2

This book is based on previous papers of the author published within the International Dialogo Conference between 2018 and 2021, a conference on the dialogue between science and theology. It is mainly intended to the general audience, being easily understandable and it contains only a few sections requiring some specific mathematical and statistical knowledge. This book also raises some moral questions regarding the present day exaggerated consumption and also explains how decline in religious belief has caused, mainly in the western society, disastrous effects for Earth and its inhabitants. Present day “intelligent” human does not believe anymore in God, but warships today instead values like money and its own things and toys, with disastrous results for his home planet. It deals in its first chapter with transitions between states of an economic system and explains the initial evolution of first human economy in the ancient times and a first transition within this first economy, based on a set of assumptions. This set of assumptions and ideas used in explaining transition between first two stages of the human economy remains also valid for any of the subsequent transitions of human economy. The second chapter of this book analyses data available for the last fifty years regarding Earth, using as a tool statistical analysis in time and frequency domain and clarifies the amplitude of disaster and of danger, humans have caused on their own planet. The third chapter is the last one and presents different dynamics of an economic complex system, based on certain additional assumptions made within each of the models presented in the paper. These assumptions used allow estimating and forecasting evolution of a complex economic system. This estimation can be made in “classical” way, which is to say without use of big data, in which case results are more prone to errors, or using recordings of big data, which delivers a much more accurate estimation of evolution for the respective complex systems. This last chapter uses as general economic model an additive utility model to estimate added value in an economy, using subject assumptions for different models presented in this chapter. It also gives a practical specific solution and instructions to lower the limits (boundaries) dangerously exceeded regarding Earth, expanding on the concepts and theory of utility functions presented in the first chapter of the book. Throughout this last chapter the term “with sustainable growth” means “ecological growth” and it refers to durable economic systems where the environmental issues are taken into consideration, whereas the term “without sustainable growth” or “conventional growth” refers to the economic systems where the environmental issues are not taken into account. This third chapter also shows, using sustainability as a concept, how incorrect, inadequate and obsolete the conventional concept of GDP is. Taking into account almost all costs incurred, the value generated within the world economy is far lower than calculated GDP. Hence, this traditional concept of GDP if it is not to be completely abolished, should be seriously corrected with all the costs incurred, using big data information.

Early Economic Systems

Catalin Silviu Nutu

Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems, 20 January 2022, Page 3-11

This chapter presents the main stages in the history of mankind using the concept of system and how a certain system of a certain stage is evolving out of the previous stage into another new one, using also the mathematical theory pertaining to the transition of a system between two different states. This chapter also deals with rational laws and rules governing economy, laws and rules necessary to explain evolution. One important fact resulting out of this chapter is that although necessary, those rules and laws of economy are unfortunately insufficient to explain gaps one can always find everywhere one looks in the history.

Statistical Analysis of Last Decades Earth Data

Catalin Silviu Nutu

Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems, 20 January 2022, Page 12-25

This chapter analyses data available from the last fifty years, with regard to Earth and it has the purpose to analyze them from both perspectives: the time domain analysis and spectral domain analysis. Following this analysis, one can conclude about the correlations within the analyzed data or about future forecasted evolution and necessary measures to be taken in order to reduce the dangers

Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems

Catalin Silviu Nutu

Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems, 20 January 2022, Page 26-37

God has given us an almost perfect home planet to live on. Since then, man has continuously chosen to spoil and poison it through his actions and overuse of resources. Science should now help to repair damages thus inflicted upon our planet. This chapter is presenting different dynamics of a complex economic system, based on certain assumptions made within each of the presented models. The assumptions used allow estimating and forecasting the evolution of the respective complex economic system. This estimation can be made in the “classical” way, which is to say without the use of big data, in which case the results are more prone to errors, or by collecting big data, which delivers a much more accurate estimation of the evolution of the complex systems. Throughout this chapter the term “with sustainable growth” means “ecological growth” and it refers to durable economic systems where the environmental issues are taken into consideration, whereas the term “without sustainable growth” or “conventional growth” refers to the economic systems where the environmental issues are not taken into account.