Polynomials of Degree Greater Than or Equal to FIVE are Solved by a Resolvable Finite Group
Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2,
12 June 2021
Page 83-88
In this paper I present two methods to solve the polynomials of degree greater or equal to five in such a way that: Gn is Sn with n\(\geq\)5. With the first method we know if the polynomial of degree greater or equal to five contains an elliptic curve (if this is not viewed directly). The second method will be applied whenever the value of x defined with the equation of Enfer Diez is not the real value of the polynomial; this value tells us if the value of x in the polynomial is greater or less. The solution is obtained with the congruence method. It remains proven: The solution of the polynomial is make based on its coefficients.
- Abel?Ruffini Theorem
- Enfer Diez equation
- congruence method
- polynomials with solution are reducible to the form
- mxn-(n-1) cx(n-1)-k=0