Prof. Khalil Kassmi
Mohamed Premier University, Morocco.

Short Biosketch

ISBN 978-81-969009-0-8 (Print)
ISBN 978-81-969009-3-9 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/cppsr/v5

This book covers key areas of physical science research. The contributions by the authors include attractive-repulsive vector-tensor theories, gravity theories, spherical symmetry, general relativity, lambda cold dark matter model, viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, gas chromatography, intramolecular power, potential energy functions, kinetic energy, electromagnetic modeling, magnetic flux density, superconducting magnets, scalar magnetic potential, boundary conditions, coefficient of thermal expansion, dielectric mixture formulae, gas turbines, combined cycle unit, thermal power plants, generation model; parity violation, Einstein’s general theory, relativity theory, quantum theory, particle physics, Jets and outflows, winds-outflows, radiation mechanisms, Lorentz/Poincaré transform, Terell-Penrose rotation, analogue modelling; anisotropy paradox; azimuthal geoelectric measurements; fissure direction determination; pluri-directional fissure system. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of physical science research.


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Use of Dielectric Mixtures Formulae for PbTiO\(_3\) Based Glass-Ceramic Systems: An Experimental Analysis

J. Shankar , G. Neeraja Rani , V. K. Deshpande

Current Perspective to Physical Science Research Vol. 5, 1 January 2024, Page 1-9

This chapter aims to describe about the Application of Dielectric Mixtures Formulae for PbTiO3 based Glass-Ceramic systems. Using a traditional quenching procedure, glass samples with the composition (50 - X) PbO - (25 + X) TiO2 - 25 B2O3 (where X =0, 5, 10 and 12.5 mol %) were created.  These glass samples underwent two stages of heat treatment in order to become glass ceramics.   Glass and glass ceramic samples were evaluated for density, transition temperature (Tg), crystallization temperature (Tc), and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).  Tg and Tc were shown to decrease as TiO2 content increased. Glass ceramic samples have densities that are higher than corresponding glass samples.  It was noted that the density and CTE results of the glass-ceramics showed a strong association.  Glass ceramic samples have a greater dielectric constant than equivalent glasses.  The theoretically anticipated and experimentally observed values of the dielectric constant were correlated using Maxwell's dielectric mixture formula.  

On the Exterior Solution of Spherically Symmetric Stationary Space-time in a Vector-tensor Gravity

Roberto Dale, Màrius J. Fullana, Alicia Herrero

Current Perspective to Physical Science Research Vol. 5, 1 January 2024, Page 10-30

In this chapter vector-tensor (VT) theories are studied deriving the stationary spherically symmetric solution. In the absence of matter content, the solution obtained is similar to the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter one of General Relativity, but the role of the electrical charge is played by some parameters related to the VT theory. Blackhole and cosmological horizons are also studied. A deviation of the radius of the VT black hole horizon with respect to the Kottler-Schwazschild-de Sitter one is found. Finally, from a study of the boundary conditions it is found that the cosmological constant appears in a natural way from these vector-tensor theories.

This review is the first part in a series of papers on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector magnetic field map creation. The review describes the composition of the CMS detector and the methodology for modelling the heterogeneous CMS magnetic system, starting with the formulation of the magnetostatics problem for modelling the magnetic flux of the CMS superconducting solenoid enclosed in a steel flux-return yoke. The review includes a section on the magnetization curves of various types of steel used in the CMS magnet yoke. The evolution of the magnetic system model over 20 years is presented in the discussion section and is well illustrated by the CMS model layouts and the magnetic flux distribution. Different kinds of geometrical and scalar magnetic potential symmetries were used to build the CMS magnet model in a series of successive iterations. This has made it possible to characterize the magnetic flux in the CMS detector for an extended period using as little computational power as possible, in line with current computer technology capabilities.

Acoustic Safety in Power Engineering: Calculating Sanitary Protection Zones for Gas Turbines and Combined Cycle Units

V. B. Tupov , A. A. Taratorin, V. S. Skvortsov , A. B. Mukhametov

Current Perspective to Physical Science Research Vol. 5, 1 January 2024, Page 57-67

Environmental safety issues are now becoming increasingly important in the life of society. For power engineering, among the issues of environmental safety, the problem of acoustic safety stands out. The problem of acoustic environmental safety is due to the fact that the operation of power equipment is associated with an increased noise level not only on the territory of the thermal power plant, but also on the border of the sanitary protection zone. These issues are especially relevant for thermal power plants located in close proximity to residential areas. In this work, acoustic calculations were performed to determine the sanitary protection zone for gas turbine units (GTU) and combined cycle gas units (CCGT) of various capacities in order to comply with sanitary standards for the noise factor. Sanitary standards for the noise factor are adopted for the boundaries of sanitary protection zones for the night time. A formula has been obtained for calculating the width of the sanitary protection zone depending on the capacity of gas turbine units and combined cycle plants, and their number. It is shown that the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of a power unit of high capacity is smaller than the sanitary protection zone of several units of the same capacity. It is shown that the noise levels from individual groups of equipment can determine the noise at the entire border of the sanitary protection zone, or at its individual sections. At the same time, noise suppression measures should be carried out from all sources that create an excess of standards. It is necessary to start noise suppression measures from those sources that create an excess of sanitary standards in a larger section of the sanitary protection zone. Recommendations were received on the width of the sanitary protection zone of thermal power plants of different capacities with different equipment.

Study of Solution by Excess Thermodynamic Functions

Farid Mohamed Mahmoud Farag

Current Perspective to Physical Science Research Vol. 5, 1 January 2024, Page 68-109

The study of different types of solutions by the values of excess thermodynamic functions is very important to understand the interaction patterns between molecules and ions in the solutions.

That is by using ultrasonic waves, dipole moment,  density, refractive index, viscosity, deviation in viscosity, excess free energy, surface tension to determine the thermodynamic functions and its excess as excess internal pressure, acoustic impedance and its excess, rigid sphere diameter, internal pressure, excess surface tension, dimensionless surface tension and its excess, the change of entropy with pressure and excess volume, expansion coefficient, relative change in volume also polarizability, solvated radii and gas chromatography and Rayleigh scattering

The treatment of parity violations in the weak nuclear interactions is discussed within the frameworks of both the Standard Model (SM) and the Generation Model (GM) of particle physics. It will be demonstrated that several important differences between these two models leads to the SM merely describing the parity violations, while the GM provides an understanding of the cause of the parity violations in weak nuclear interactions. The significant differences arising from several dubious assumptions made during the development of the SM, lead to very different conclusions concerning the nature of the parity violations in the two models. While the SM is able to describe the observed parity violations in terms of a “V-A" theory of the weak nuclear interactions, the GM is also able to demonstrate the cause of the observed parity violations: in the GM, the observed parity violations arise as a consequence of the negative intrinsic parity of both the \(\mathit{W}\) massive bosons, which mediate these so-called charge-changing (CC) weak nuclear interactions. In the SM, the parity of charged pions is assumed to be \(\mathit{P}\pi = -1\). This led not only to the overthrow of parity conservation in 1957 but also to the combined chargeconjugation parity \((\mathit{CP})\) violation in 1964. It will be shown that the GM explains quantatatively that \(\mathit{CP}\) is conserved in CC weak nuclear interactions.

Special Relativistic Imaging of Model Astrophysical Jets

Theodoros Smponias

Current Perspective to Physical Science Research Vol. 5, 1 January 2024, Page 128-162

Imaging an astrophysical object traveling at relativistic speeds, leads to a number of image distortions. These effects may be studied within the framework of a numerical simulation. In this work, a special relativistic imaging algorithm is implemented. The resulting code works together with a hydrodynamic astrophysical program, producing synthetic images, depicting what a model relativistic astrophysical jet looks like to a stationary observer. The software is able to visualize a variety of dynamical astrophysical phenomena. A number of tests are performed, in order to confirm code integrity, and to present features of the software. The above demonstrate the potential of the computer program to help interpret astrophysical jet observations.

Azimuthal Geoelectric Measurements Determination of Multiple Directions of Multiple Subsurface Fissure Directions: Analogue Modelling Experiments

Szalai S., Kósa I., Gribovszki Z., Nagy T. , Baracza M. K. , Szarka L. , Szucs P. , Lemperger I., Gribovszki K.

Current Perspective to Physical Science Research Vol. 5, 1 January 2024, Page 163-177

To characterize fractured rocks which is principal in hydrological studies, requires knowledge of the orientation of fractures and for this aim there is not too many geophysical tools. For the geophysical determination of the prevailing orientations, so-called azimuthal geoelectric measurements seemed to be a feasible method until their disadvantages (in many cases wrong fracture orientations) were revealed.

 In this paper, we improve azimuthal measurements based on analogue modelling by using the Wenner array, which is widely used in azimuthal measurements. The authors investigate how many azimuthal measurements are needed to determine the prevailing rupture directions (at different measurement points, instead of the previously proposed single measurement for the whole area). Over the range of model parameters we use to characterise the three-dimensional fracture system, the theory of anisotropy paradox can be applied (which is not always the case).

As the model measurements suggest, our improved method for determining the fracture directions is itself slightly more expensive, but cheaper than the water-bearing test. If additional electrode arrays are included or azimuthal measurements are combined with geoelectric profile measurements, a more reliable solution can be expected at a somewhat lower cost.