Prof. Chen Chin Chang
Adjunct Professor, Department of Food and Beverage Management, Hebei Normal University, China.

Short Biosketch

ISBN 978-81-19491-74-2 (Print)
ISBN 978-81-19491-75-9 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/cpafs/v5

This book covers key areas of agriculture and food science. The contributions by the authors include antioxidant activity, phytochemicals, radical-scavenging activity, enzymatic browning, irradiation, food processing, horticultural commodities, coffee sherry, biocontrol, lactic acid bacteria, mold growth, detoxification enzymes, neurological and cardiovascular disease, liquid smoke, viscosity, meat-processing technologies, air pollution, heavy metals, rice bran oil, crude oil, bioactive compounds, digestibility, degradability, ruminant production, animal farming, hepatotoxicity, nutraceutical foods, fermented sugarcane juice, grassland, sensory assessment of biscuits, seed beverage, immunomodulatory activities, sexual dysfunction, oxidative stability. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of agriculture and food science.


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Influence of Pre-drying and Drying Treatments on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Purple Sweet Potato Flour

Queenie Ann L. Curayag , Erlinda I. Dizon

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 1-25

The study was conducted to determine the effects of pre-drying and drying treatments on purple sweet potato flour's physicochemical, functional, antioxidant activity, and phytochemical components (PSPF). The flours were prepared from purple-fleshed sweet potato slices soaked in water, 1% citric acid solution, and steamed for 15 min before drying. The steaming process increased the antioxidant activity of raw purple-fleshed sweet potato roots by 28.56% and produced PSPF with intense color attributes, an almost neutral pH, the highest total soluble solid content, highest water absorption index, water-soluble index, swelling capacity, gelation capacity, and antioxidant activity but lowest fat absorption capacity values compared to other pre-drying treatments. pH was lowest, and total phenolic, flavonoid, and anthocyanidin contents were highest in samples soaked in 1% citric acid solution before drying. Based on b*/a* ratios, all flours were red dominant and were more peonidin rich. Therefore, the best quality flour was produced when sweet potato slices were steamed before drying.

Irradiation on Quality Parameters of Mushrooms: A Post- Harvest Processing Analysis

B. Kalyani , K. Manjula

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 26-39

This chapter aimed to study the effect of Gamma Radiation processing on physical and nutritional parameters of mushroom (2015-17). Food irradiation may be considered as a second big breakthrough after pasteurization. It is the process of exposing food to ionizing radiation in order to destroy microorganisms or insects that could be present in the food and some time to improve the functional properties of food or to eliminate toxins, with the least compromise on sensory and nutritive quality. Mushrooms are fleshy fungi, being used as food and medicine. However, their short shelf-life and high initial microbial load are the major problems regarding their easy distribution and safe consumption.

In the current study mushrooms were irradiated by the use of Gamma (\(\delta\)) Irradiation chamber unit at Quality control lab, Professor Jayashankar Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Results of the current study revealed that PLW, colour (L*, a* and b* values), moisture and fibre in mushrooms were significantly reduced among non-irradiated. Whereas, slight but insignificant changes were noticed in moisture, carbohydrate, fibre and protein content of irradiated mushrooms at 0.25 kGy. The reduction in moisture content of non-irradiated mushrooms was more (Fig. 1) from initial (91.23%) to final Phase (79.01%) of the experimental period compared with mushrooms irradiated at 0.25 kGy (92.20% to77.42%) and 0.75 kGy (92.00% to 77.53%).  All of the samples of mushrooms had significantly higher sodium and potassium contents. Gamma radiation enhanced the shelf life of mushrooms while maintaining their general quality without affecting their physico-chemical quality.

Effect of the Improvement of Microbiological and Toxicological Qualities Regarding Ochratoxin A Producing Fungi Using of Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains on the Sensorial Quality of Derived Beverage

Guézéré Corinne Beugre , Adobi Christian Kadjo , Konan Mathurin Yao , Koumba Maï Kone , Isabelle Piro-Metayer , Charlie Poss , Noël Durand , Angélique Fontana , Tagro Simplice Guehi

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 40-60

Various biological trials were currently made to improve the microbiological quality and safety of the coffee cherries without effect on the sensorial quality of drink produced thereof. This study investigated the effect of the inhibition of growth and reduction the production of ochratoxin A (OTA) of Aspergillus carbonarius using of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) strains on the sensory profile of derived beverage. Emerging processing methods have been applied in coffee bean processing for improved sensory quality. The processes focus on optimizing the fermentation process of the coffee cherries and beans. This involves various pathways, including the formation of volatiles, flavor precursors and organic acids and the reduction in the concentrations of bioactive compounds.

Nine samples of 1-5 kg fresh coffee cherries (robusta Coffea canephora) were harvested directly from coffee trees and seven samples of dry cherries stocks were collected from Akoupé, Daloa, Man; 3 main coffee producing region of Côte d’Ivoire in January 2018. LAB were isolated from fresh coffee cherries while mold strains were from both fresh and dry coffee cherry. Prior to assessing their impact on beverage sensory quality, certain LAB strains were examined for their ability to remove OTA during primary postharvest processing of coffee cherries and for their inhibitory activity against mold growth in vitro. Mold strains' capacity to produce OTA is investigated using Cazapeck Yeast medium that is both solid (CYA) and liquid (CYB). Sixteen LAB isolates presented common morphological and biochemical characteristics of LAB (results not showed). Molecular identification showed that eleven isolates (75 %) were Lactobacillus plantarum, 2 isolates were Weissella paramesenteroides (12.5 %), 1 isolate was W. confusa (6.3 %) and 1 unidentified isolate. About 34 fungal isolates belonging to Aspergillus and Penicillium genus were studied for their OTA production using the agar plug technique and HPLC-FD. Five A. carbonarius strains were capable of OTA production between 15.9 and 83mg.kg-1.Out of seven isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum, two were successful in inhibition of mycelial growthproduced fungicidal activity; five were successful in retarding it produced fungistatical activity All of L. plantarum isolates exhibited OTA reduction ability at about 99 %. The inoculation of L. plantarum LAB D12 and LAB D13 certainly had an impact on the production of VOCs involved in beverrages sensory qualities. According to Pereira et al. [1], the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by LAB included ester, alcohol, alkane, acid, hydrocarbon, ether and nitrogen-containing.

This study highlighted that LAB are very promising biological candidates for reduction of mold contamination and removal OTA from coffee cherry during primary postharvest processing.

Quality of Coconut Shell and Kusambi Liquid Smoke as Raw Materials for Processed Meat Smoking: Effect of Different Types of Filtration Adsorbents

Radya Setianto Wibowo , Agus Susilo , Djalal Rosyidi

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 61-87

This research was conducted to learn more about the effect of filtration methods using various types of adsorbents on the quality of coconut shell liquid smoke and kusambi as raw materials for curing processed meat. Global meat consumption continues to grow at one of the highest rates compared to any other agricultural commodity due to increasing incomes, changing consumer preferences in many emerging economies, and lowering costs of meat production and meat prices. The research method used in this study was an experimental method, with a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). For each category of liquid smoke, there are three different types of treatment options: the first is an adsorbent-only treatment for liquid smoke, followed by zeolite adsorbent treatment, silica adsorbent treatment, and activated charcoal adsorbent treatment. Different liquid smoke types and adsorbent filtration methods had a very significant impact (P0.01) on the number of antioxidants, total acid, specific gravity, tar, phenol content, pH, salinity, TDS, total yield, L* and b* color, hedonic color, and smokey scent in the resulting liquid smoke, according to an analysis of variance.

Analysis of variance revealed that the various liquid smoke varieties had no statistically significant impact (P0.05), but that the filtration process using various adsorbents had a highly significant impact (P0.01) on viscosity. Additionally, the analysis of variance revealed that the various liquid smoke varieties and the filtration of various adsorbents had no discernible impact (P0.05) on the final liquid smoke's hue a*. The antioxidant, total acid, specific gravity, tar, phenol content, pH, salinity, TDS, total yield, L* and b* color, hedonic color, and smoke aroma in the liquid smoke produced were all significantly affected by the various types of liquid smoke and how they were treated with adsorbents (P0.01). Although the various liquid smoke varieties did not significantly affect the final viscosity (P0.05), the various types of adsorbents used in the liquid smoke filtration procedure did significantly affect the viscosity (P0.01). The value of color a* or the reddish hue of the liquid smoke, however, were not significantly affected by the various types of liquid smoke or adsorbents used in the liquid smoke filtration process (P0.05).

A Study on the Detection and Quantification of Heavy Metals (As, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni) and Toxins in Rice-Bran and Its Related Products

Md. Anwarul Haque , Nilufa Ferdous , Habibul Bari Shozib , Shamima Akter

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 88-99

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of heavy metals and toxins on rice bran-related industrial products, including rice bran (RB), rice bran oil (RBO), and deoiled rice bran (DORB). For the RB, RBO, and DORB samples, aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2), as well as heavy metals including As, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni, as well as bacterial and fungal loads of yeast, molds, and toxins, were examined. RB and DORB samples were found positive for bacteria, yeast, and mold populations and aflatoxin B1 for fresh (0), 7, 14, and 21 days after storage at ambient temperature. RB and DORB samples for 28 days after storage found lower loads in bacteria, yeast, and mold but were completely negative for aflatoxin B1. We have examined all the above-mentioned quality parameters for RBO and found them negative for bacteria, yeast, mold load, and even aflatoxin B1. Since RB products that are stored for a long period of time develop toxins, feed manufacturers need to be more careful when handling RB and DORB as plant energy sources. Both raw and refined RBO are safer for the Bangladeshi population because they don't contain any toxins or heavy metals.

Functional and Dietary Evaluation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) based Muffins

Rishabh Raj , Sury Pratap Singh

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 100-112

This chapter evaluates the Functional and nutritional assessment of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) based muffins. Different nations have also been investigating the utilization of sorghum as an inexhaustible material and as a possible source of high-esteem particles to create sustainable oil and other significant mechanical synthetics. The investigation was conducted in the Department of Food Technology, Parul Institute of Applied Sciences, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, during the year 2022-2023 under different experiments. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, a number of laboriously carried out experiments were standardized nutritional assessment. The sugar-free muffins developed by using (100%) sorghum flour, baking powder, baking soda, jaggery powder, cocoa powder, milk and oil were mixed to form smooth consistency batter. During the experiment we found that the muffins have the moisture, protein, fibre, ash, carbohydrate and fat was recorded as (8.28%), (7.48%), (80.6%), (2.24%), (27%) and (1.4%), respectively. Throughout the experiment, iron (6.42%), zinc (20.48%), and magnesium (1.94%), respectively, will be investigated using colorimetric methods. We also performed, microbiological quality of the created product, sugar-free sorghum muffins, was assessed using the total plate count (TPC) technique, which revealed an overall quantity of 5200 Cfu/100g. Whereas, another test will be FT-IR analysis, the data depicts a peak in the absorbance wave length spectrum that was detected between 2925cm-1 in ranged 2928 cm-1 with presence of methyl group. A set of proteins were seen in the strong peak at 1646.18 cm-1 in the region of 1651 cm-1. Starch was the main cause of the vibration of C-C and C-O at 1019.7cm-1, respectively the strong peak 1417cm-1 and 1150.04cm-1 ranged from 1400 to 1150.04 cm-1 O-C-H; C-C-H; C-O-H with presence of starch. It is concluded that sorghum muffins can be best in nutritional profile and its helps to enhance the nutritional content and health benefits with overall carbohydrate and proteins and also can be best storage at refrigeration temperature.

The Promising Nutritive Value of Local Grasses Fed to Goat in South Sulawesi Indonesia

Ismartoyo, Islamiyati , Muh. Rusdy

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 113-122

The purpose of this research was to examine the digestibility in vivo and in sacco of four selected feed resources. Natural rangelands support and provide feed forlarge number of livestock. It plays a vital role innational economy through provision of animal productsfor local consumption and exports. In vivo experiment was conducted to investigate apparent feed digestibility of the 4 grasses studied namely elephant grass, mini elephant grass, Panicum maximum grass, and BD grass. According to the results of proximate analysis, elephant grass has a higher protein content than the other 3 types of grass. Panicum maxima grass has the least amount of protein. The four grasses had comparable amounts of organic matter, crude fiber, fat, and non-protein nitrogen extract. The results of experiment in vivo indicated that the dry matter feed intake of the feed stuffs was ranging from 1.07kg/head/day for mini elephant grass and 1.42kg/head/day for elephant grass. The average of fecal per head per day was 0.33kg. Analysis of in vivo feed digestibility shown that elephant grass was 70%, mini elephant grass was 60%, Panicum maximum grass was 69%, and Brachiaria decumbens grass was 71%. The statistical analysis of the feed digestibility indicated that the was no any significantly differences (p>0.05) between them. The dry matter (DM) digestibility of elephant grass tended to be higher than that of mini elephant grass, Panicum maximum grass, and BD grass. This might be due to similarity in the content of nutrient in those of 4 grasses. According to the results of an experiment conducted in sacco, elephant grass had a higher washing loss or soluble fraction (a) than Panicum maximal grass, BD grass, and small elephant grass. BD grass has a larger insoluble yet fermentable proportion (b) than other grasses. Mini elephant grass had a higher rate of rumen degradation (c) than elephant grass, Panicum maximum grass, and BD grass.   It is clear that high content of soluble fraction in the feed studied does not always followed by high rate of feed degradability, potential degradability, and the peak degradability. It is suggested that by conducting experiment in sacco resulted in more comprehensive information regarding of how the grasses have been degraded and fermented in the rumen of goat.

Coumarin in Brazilian cachaça stored in barrels of Amburana cearensis

Amazile Biagioni Maia , Lorena Simão Marinho , Lucas Oliveira Tonidandel , Frederico Marx Brom Carneiro , Elaine Cristina da Conceição , Bárbara Dias Machado

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 123-132

The purpose of this chapter was to determine how closely cachaça preserved in amburana barrels adhered to the real coumarin content limit set out by Brazilian and international law. In this chapter, the coumarin content of twelve commercial cachaças, whose labels specify storage in amburana wood barrels, was examined. The phenolic chemical coumarin (1,2-benzopyrone) is derived from plants. In addition to being widely utilized in human medicine, it is also employed as a bioactive ingredient in nutraceutical foods as well as an odorant in food, drinks, cosmetics, and fragrance. The beverage known as cachaça is made in Brazil by distilling sugarcane juice that has undergone fermentation. International health organizations advise a daily consumption cap of 0.1 mg/kg owing to the possibility of hepatotoxicity and other negative consequences in more susceptible individuals. Brazilian law has set a limit of 10 mg/kg for coumarin in alcoholic beverages, following a global trend. The average result for nine samples selected as most representative (18.0 ± 7.0 mg/L) was above the legal established limit. The results of three samples were disregarded, two for being much below (0.6 and 0.8 mg/L, respectively); and the third, for being much over the average (45.1 mg/L), with poor sensory quality and not suitable for commercialization.  It was concluded that there is a need for more rigor in the identification of the wood species (Amburana cearensis) used in the manufacture of amburana barrels and for more effective control of the coumarin content transferred to the cachaça during storage in this wood.

Development and Quality Characteristics of Defatted Soya Flour and Aloe-vera Based Functional Biscuits

Prashant Sagar , Neetu Singh

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 133-144

Vitamins can be got in aloe-vera. Aloe vera includes many vitamins like- vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamins B-group, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Aloe vera Gel contains critical elements such as 19 of the 20 amino acids needed by the human body and 7 of the 8 necessary ones that cannot be substituted. Biscuits are one of the most popular and in-demand delicacies in the world. On this basis, efforts were developed to create biscuits containing aloe-vera gel for their beneficial properties. To make the composite flour, rice bran and defatted soya flour were mixed in varied proportions with refined flour (Maida) before being incorporate with aloe-vera gel in quantity that are ranging from 5 to 20%. The chance of fortifying aloe-vera gel to create functional biscuits with the ability to enhance food product quality due to various functional properties. The original form and sensory assessment of biscuits containing 10%, 20% and 30% aloe-vera were studied to found out the effective formulation. It has been discovered that biscuits having 20% aloe-vera gel enhance biscuits having 20% and 30% aloe-vera gel. Protein enhancement of biscuits meets the consumer need for a highly nutritious content, as these goods typically have a reduced protein level (7-10%). Because of their valuable properties, it would be beneficial to provide more detailed facts regarding the functional aspects of aloe vera gel and how it helps to the enhancement of food product quality. Aloe vera contain biscuits may potentially be advantageous to the most vulnerable populations in developing countries. Because of their ready-to-eat nature, biscuits are a popular and easy-to-use food product.

Can Moringa oleifera Seeds be Used as Food?

Adèle Gautier , Carla Margarida Duarte , Isabel Sousa

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 145-165

Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree of the family Moringaceae, native to the Indian subcontinent and used extensively in South and Southeast Asia. They do, however, have some problems with seed bitterness, which is the most difficult obstacle to consumer acceptability. A variety of processing techniques were tried to create meals from MO seeds, including: (i) roasted MO seeds; (ii) beverages made from MO; and (iii) yoghurt-like products that underwent chemical and rheological analysis. From 3.68% in the beverage to 14.73% in the yoghurt and 40.21% in the toasted MO nuts, the protein concentration varied.  Toasting the seeds seemed to be a good option and nutrition claims for minerals in toasted seeds could be considered for Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn, which confirms the M. oleifera seed richness in several minerals. The MO yoghurt-like product showed a very nice flavor and a gel structure similar to the dairy yoghurt, making it a promising new plant-based alternative. Further work must be performed in the future to debitter more efficiently the raw seeds to achieve a more pleasing MO-based beverage.

Quality of Se'i Made from Cull Bali Cow Beef

Gemini E. M. Malelak , Maria R. Deno Ratu , Gusti A. Y. Lestari , Imanuel Benu , I. Gusti N. Jelantik

Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 5, 30 August 2023, Page 166-176

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sensory property and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) level on se’i (Rotenesse smoked beef).  Se'i (smoked meat) quality influenced by fresh meat quality and smoking method. Meat from culled cow at different body condition scores (BCS) and which are smoked using different method produce different quality of se'i. The beef took from culled Bali cows in differing body condition score (BCS). The beef smoked in opening method, closing method or giving liquid smoke.  A completely randomized       design 9x3 was used in this experiment. Parameter measured were sensory property and benzo(a)pyrene (bap) content of se’i. Results showed that in all BCS group, both open and closed smoking methods caused the strongest aroma of se’i compared to liquid smoke.  Sensory evaluation data, i.e. aroma, taste and tenderness, were analyzed using Kruskall-Wallis test followed by Mann- Whitney test. The best taste n tenderness found in BCS4LS.  The highest of benzo(a)pyrene content (0.0052 – 0.0055 ppm) was found in se’i processed by close smoking method, followed by se’i was added liquid smoke and the lowest was in se’i processed by open smoking method. It is suggested that se’i which produce from all BCS (2,3,4) it is better to use open smoking method or liquid smoke to obtain low benzo(a)pyrene content In order to acquire low benzo(a)pyrene content, it is advised that se'i, which is produced from all BCS (2,3,4), utilize the open smoking method or liquid smoke. In the present study, the lower content of BaP in open smoking technique was probably due to less possibility of the smoke to attach to the meat surface. This also occurred with liquid smoke as meat was indirectly smoked.