Geometry Effect on the Tensile Behaviour of Adhesively-Bonded Tubular Scarf Joints
Current Overview on Science and Technology Research Vol. 2,
8 August 2022
Page 136-150
Tubular adhesive joints are widely employed when joining tubes and rods. To improve the joint strength in the axial direction, the cross-section of the tubes can be chamfered to produce a scarf tubular joint. This study aims to compare the tensile performance of tubular scarf joints (TSJ) with aluminium (AW6082-T651) adherends, considering the variation of the scarf angle (\(\alpha\)) from 45° to 3.43°. Firstly, through the comparison of experimental tests and numerical analysis of tubular lap joints (TLJ), the cohesive zone model (CZM) technique and respective cohesive parameters were validated. A CZM analysis was then performed on the TSJ to analyse peel (\(\sigma\)y) and shear stresses (\(\tau\)xy) in the adhesive layer. Analysis of the dissipated energy as well as studies of damage and joint strength were performed. The numerical analysis revealed a significant effect, benefiting from smaller and better stress distributions than TLJ.
- Adhesive joints
- tubular adhesive joints
- scarf joints
- finite element method
- cohesive zone models