
This book covers key areas of engineering research. The contributions by the authors include finite element analysis, piezoelectric compliance, ultrasonic vibration assisted milling, preparing surface edge treatment, vibration mechanism, machining automotive material, nozzle coolant system, thermal effect, round robin CPU scheduling algorithm, prioritize processes, residual burst time, specified time quantum mechanism,  polynomial characteristics, unsteady algebraic equation, criterion of stability,  attachment of polynomials, stability markers, roots of the algebraic equation, Hurwitz’s polynomial theory, Wiebe combustion model, high-rise residential technology, building information modeling, Neural machine translation, ergonomic interface, irrigation water quality, Coupled electromagnetic and temperature fields, electromagnetic processing of metals, induction heating, diffusion, mathematical modeling, tensile strength, hybrid power system, current electrification rate, hydropower, solar-battery. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of engineering research.


1. Professional review, editing and plagiarism checking.
2. Professional cover-page design and typesetting.
3. Specialized English editing and proofreading
4. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) allotment.
5. ISBN number (online and print version)
6. Online publication of the book and printing in the press.
7. Normally Books will be closed access to increase the possibility of sale and authors will retain the copyright of the book chapter/ books. Special requests of open access books can also be considered in case of complete book publication.

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